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10909 Rt 144 St. Leonard NB E7E 2S6
Maximum Equipment Inc - SEPPI M - BMS 125
SEPPI M: Since 1939, and specializing in the engineering and production of world class vegetation control, tilling and stone crushing equipment since 1971, SEPPI M. is proudly represented in Canada by Maximum Equipment Inc.
Mowers, mulchers and shredders for: Agriculture, Industry, ski slopes, blueberry fields, municipal and provincial maintenance and other uses. Stone and rock crushers for soil and road stabilization, renovation and construction, crushing of field rock. Multi purpose machines to remove woody vegetation, crush stones and rocks and till soil. Hydraulic or pto power. For mounting on agricultural type tractors, purpose built hydraulic prime movers, excavators and other specialized equipment.
Maximum Équipement est distributeur Seppi pour l'est du Canada. La Compagnie Seppi est le pionnier des broyeurs depuis 1971. Équipements spécialisés, broyeurs forestiers, stabilisateurs de terrains, tondeuses de vergers de tous genres, faucheuses de bleuets, broyeurs industriels (excavateurs), faucheuses de pentes de ski, tondeuses pour l'entretien municipal ou provincial et beaucoup plus.